- Góralski etnodizajn - Agnieszka Domańska
- Państwa wyobrażone - Michał Futyra
- Po humanizmie - red. Zuzanna Ładyga i Justyna Włodarczyk
- Między empatią a okrucieństwem - red. Eugenia Łoch, Dariusz Piechota, Agnieszka Trześniewska
- Pozytywistów spotkania z naturą. Szkice ekokrytyczne - Dariusz Piechota
- Spektakl władzy - Dawid Rydzek
- Polska prasa muzyczna w dobie transformacji ustrojowej. „Tylko Rock” 1991–2002 - Artur Trudzik
- Czas seriali - red. Agnieszka Szczepanek, Sandra Wojciechowska, Piotr Buśko
- Młodzi czarodzieje - Marcin Górecki
- Zapiski semiotyczne - Marcin Rychlewski
Educational Role of Language
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The book’s subject matter is consistent and cohesive and the issues it raises – well-arranged and thought over. Its entirety is focused on language and different ways of interpreting its role. It is presented dynamically, which signals the occurrence of subsequent publications concerning these issues. It includes extensive theoretical grounds and numerous examples of research. Not only neglected areas of children’s language education are shown, but also proposed directions of changes inspired by constructivism and the potential children themselves have.
prof. dr hab. Agnieszka Nowak-Łojewska
Michał Daszkiewicz, Ewa Filipiak, Anna Wasilewska, Ryszard Wenzel
Michał Daszkiewicz, Anna Wasilewska
Section 1: Man – Language – Reality vs. Language Education – Anna Wasilewska
Section 2: Educational Role of Language – Its Multi-faceted Scope and Its Social Complexity - Michał Daszkiewicz
Area 1: Potential of Language for General Education
Language and the quality of general education – Ryszard Wenzel
Area 2: Language Activity of Children
Child – active researcher and constructor of his/her own language system. From the potential of possibility to realisation in everyday educational practice– Ewa Filipiak
Area 3: Personal Experiencing of Language
Construction of personal language critical educational incidents – Michał Daszkiewicz
Area 4. Linguistic Matrixes of Reality Interpretation
Expansion of the linguistic paradigm in studies on childhood and school – Anna Wasilewska
1. ERL I Conference (2016) keynote address outline – Ryszard Wenzel
2. ERL Network’s scope and activity
3. ERL project participant form